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now you've cut out the flute
December 07, 2001 - 11:43 p.m.

my feet shouldn't hurt this much. Granted I've been on my feet all day, and was all day yesterday, and will be for a good chunk of tomorrow, but still. It sucks... be forewarned, my brain is still scattered. and I feel little to no compulsion to try to organize it. No offense, but I doubt anyone is really reading this anyway. ::shrug:: I miss Punky. a lot, and part of me wants to try and make things better, but another part of me is afraid of how things would be different. I'm a mess right now. I know that, and I'm not if she'd even want to be my friend while I'm like this, so part of me would rather have us stay where we are, that way it's me being distant instead of her deciding that she doesn't like me anymore. ::shudders:: I'm so pathetic...

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