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wrapped around your feet
December 27, 2001 - 2:50 a.m.

::sigh:: Christmas sucked. So did my birthday. I feel alone, over looked, and unappreciated. Then I feel stupid, shallow, and self absorbed for feeling that way. ::watches the spiral countinue donward, and wonders where the bottom is::

My grandmother is probably dieing. She's got liver cancer, she's lost so much weight. It's scary. I don't want her to die. I can't stop it. My father's mother is a moron. She kept on telling my grandmother how great she looked since she'd lost so much weight. SHE'S ON FUCKING KEMO YOU STUPID BITCH!!! argh.

My father's parents are divorced. and both are remarried. I love my grandfather and step-grandmother (I refer to her as such only to clarify). but my father's mother ans her husband drive me up a wall. It's my grandmother on my mother's side who's sick right now. Who, in their right minds tells someone with liver cancer that they look wonderful because of all the weight they've lost?!?!?

I don't know, about anything anymore...

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