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the Belle of New Orleans tried to show me
January 07, 2002 - 10:56 p.m.

I like my job. Working at the street is fun. My manager is going to take me to look at cars on Wednesday, 'cause I need one... how cool is that?

My New Years turned out to be pretty good. Avigen came and bought me coffee, and we went out to dinner after I got out of work, and then went to his house to 'watch movies'. heh. I can't wait until we find an apartment :) espically since he made the same observation that night. He said that he wondered how long it would take us to tire each other out when we got an apartment. :D ::sigh::

Well still no days off, not until next sunday. I would have had yseterday off except that poor Juluis is sick. He's got post nasal drip, the flu, and strep throat. so I went into work for him. I hope he feels better soon. I was going to ask him to take one of my shifts when he felt better, but he can't go to work for the next three days, so it is yet another week w/o a day off. ::shrug:: I've made it this far, I sopose a nother week won't drive me to insane. And even if it does, at that point I'll be locked up so maybe it won't matter.

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