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and I shaved every place where you been
January 19, 2002 - 12:45 a.m.

Juluis and I were watching movies tonight, and he said that I needed to update this thing, so here you go, even though I updaten mine a week ago, and he hasn't in almost a month... meh, whatever, if he really finds this thing that interesting then I guess it doesn't really matter does it?

So I am offically driving again!! YaY! the Car was $2995.00. I put 300 down and pay 50 a week on it... not to bad if you ask me... I'd forgotten how much I enjoy being able to get myself places... So I'm happy in that Area of my life...

Another Area of my life that is going well is work... I know I talk about it alot, but I'm just really glad I found a place where I get along with everyone who works there...

okay time to bitch, because as of late there alway s seems to be something to bitch about. I'm starting to notice a pattern in Avigen's behavior towards me. I hope I'm wrong. I really do. For awhile he was acting really distant towards me. Like two weeks ago we were playing wheel of Time, and he drove me home. We didn't say a word to each other the entire ride, well no that's not entirely true, I tried to talk to him, but he only gave like two word awnsers. He continued to act this way for the next couple of days, until this week when I called him and offered him a ride to the game. We made plans and hung out like nothing was wrong... Now I know he's moody, and this may just be what is going on. However, there is another variable in this equation. Joyia, I'm beginning to notice that he gets distant every time that Joyia is down here, and He stops acting that way when she goes home... I hope that I'm wrong when I think that he might be using me and a replacement teddybear of sorts... I would kill him if that were true. I think I may have missed my sunny patch on the bank...Right now I don't know weather to try to paddle back, or float down and look for another one... ::sigh::

You know what else is frustrating about this entire situation? the Fact that Joyia is a great person. How much easier would all this be if she were a horrible bitch that I could hate? but I don't really want her to be that way. I should just step back stop worring. heh, that's what a lot of people around me should do.

My Grandmother Gave me a ring of hers for my birthday. I just got it back from having it sized so that it would fit. she wanted me to be able to wear it, so I sent it out... you know, I complain about all this stupid shit with avigen and all that, and it really doesn't stand up at all to this whole thing with my grandmother. Thinking about it now I know how whiney I sound. Here I am worried about how one of my friends feels about me, when I stand a real chance of losing my grandmother and never seeing her again. Ithink I'm trying really hard not to thin about it. There's always the chance that she'll get better, so why worry about it now? I try to cherish the time I get to see her, and not dwell on what's really going on anymore that I need to. I try to be there to give her a hug when it gets to be a little to much. That's all I really know to do. heh, that's what being the universal crying sholder is all about i guess. I don't know.

Changing the subject completely: Today was the first of four days in a row that I do not have to work!! YaY!! That's relitavily self explanitory, so I'm not going to elaborate. I am however going to go. I need sleep...

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