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Said I think you're a queer
January 22, 2002 - 1:26 a.m.

I need to vent about something that's been bugging me for a while. It Has to do with the difference between being bisexual, and cheating on you S.O. I don't know, nor have the ambition to check and see wether or not I've actually said it here, but I am bisexual. Other things that should probably be made clear before I go off on my tangent: I believe in polyamory... Like If I'm dating someone we usually have the agreement that it is okay for us to date other people, I also have a few friends that have 'benefits' (Avigen mostly, Aislinn once, and Juluis on spurratic occasion). That is something that I do, and most of my friends as well. I know that not everyone agree's with that, and honestly, I don't know if it's something I'll do for the rest of my life, it's what works for me now...

Having said that I would like to say that I do see the difference between a monogamous relationship, and a polyamorous one, and do not believe in tresspassing on other peoples private property (a.k.a: I wouldn't touch someone who was in a one on one relationship).

Okay having said all of that I would like to go off on another vein, that hopefully won't get too random:

I'm noticing a disturbing trend amoungst bisexual people. I'm noticing that a lot of you out there are using you bisexuality as an excuse to cheat on someone when you get bored in a closed relationship. Being Attracted to both genders does not mean that you have licence to sleep with someone when you are dating another. If you think you are close enough to someone that you want to commit yourself to only them, and then find out that that is really not true, please please please do not blame it on your sexuality. Love is love, and Gender really doesn't matter. If you are truely in love with someone, and you are in an exclusive relationship, you shouldn't need anyone else. They will fulfill all your needs.

(side note: as preveously mentioned, relationships where both members have agreed it's okay so see other people don't apply, it's a completely different mind set...)

If you want an open Relationship ask about it. And don't force someone who's not okay with it into one, It almost never works...

My real problem with the whole thing is the number of stories I've heard lately where a couple has broken up because one of the people was bisexual and cheating. I work in retail and a regular customer came in the other day, she and my manager started talking about her boyfriend, well ex. Aparently he had been cheating on her with another man and told her that it was because he was bisexual, and that was the only reason he was cheating. The woman now has it in her head that all bisexuals are like that. This is only one of many stories. It scares me. I know that it's not true with me. I know it's not true with other friends of mine... Piskie is bisexual, she and spider monkey are in an exclusive relationship. Piskie does not feel the need to sneak around behind Spider Monkey's back and fuck other women.

I think I'm about done. I'm going to close this with a request though:

If you are someone who's used your bisexuality as an excuse in the past, please stop and think about the fact that right now, with the world in the state that it's in on the whole gay issue we are all spokespersons for 'our people'. How we act, and what we say about ourselves shape how people will view us. If you are not ready for monogamous relationships, be honest and tell them that, don't blame it on your sexuality.

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