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you think I'm a queer
January 26, 2002 - 12:19 a.m.

Switched diary layout. Got bored.

Today was a pretty good day, I feel very sought after... Juluis invited me over to hang out. While I was getting ready Avigen called to see if I wanted to hang out, Piskie and I made a bunch of plans for the next couple of times that we have days off. I feel pretty spiffy right now.

I hung out with Juluis, because I made plans with him first. Avigen and I are going to hang out tomorrow before I go to work. He He, yay for time managment.

Piskie and I had a very interesting conversation. It was dead most of the night at the Street, so we were talking.

She was wondering if Juluis and I were maintaining a secret relationship... ::sigh:: so yet another person on the list of people who think we should be dating. I don't know, either way, we talked about that whole thing for awhile tonight (sorry juluis no details for you :-P). The whole conversation ended quite abruptly because he walked into the store while we were talking. but not before she told me how she thinks it would be funny if he secretly had a crush on me. ::sigh:: I feel like I'm in Jr. High school sometimes...she asked me how I felt about him, I told her the truth, We're friends, I love him to death, and I'm much closer to him than I am to most people. Then she was like well have you ever thought of him as more? I told her no, because I hanen't really. she suggested that maybe I should. I don't know If I agree with that, espically concidering the last two times we did sleep together he freaked out afterwerd. If you can't have sex with someone w/o having extreme mental back lashes afterwerd, a relationship is probably not the best course of action. Okay, I've been doing this enough tonight, I think It's time to stop thinking about things that don't matter. Juluis and I are friends, close friends, if he did have a crush on me I'd like to think he'd tell me instead of just sitting on it. It's time to derail this train of thought, and put it away until a later time I think. good night all (well at least Juluis, cause I think he's the only one reading this anyway)

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