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chickens get a taste of your meat
January 31, 2002 - 12:18 a.m.

Plus side to being back on the pill (besides not getting pregnant): I know when I can blame my over reacting on PMS.

Avigen did have to work today. That's okay, that didn't upset me. I had a boring day, except when I went to the pet store and got to play with a parrot.

So I gave Avigen a ride to the game when he got home from work. When I went to pick him up, he stoped me from pulling out of his drive way right away because he wanted to kiss me. Then at the game we were kinda cuddely and stuff, and it was really nice. But then when I dropped him off at his house all he said was thanks for the ride. No hug, no kiss nothing. I think I'm making a bigger deal of this than I should. Then another part of me wonders if maybe this is his way of testing me. I do that sometimes, so maybe I keep on failing all these little tests that he's been putting up for me recently. I don't know. He has made a whole buch of moves lately, maybe he's just feeling a little like I did, and he's trying to see if I'm still interested... ::sigh:: I'm going to stop writing this now, and go to bed, and hope I feel better in the morning...

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