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lasting mine evil
Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2002 - 1:08 a.m.

Nothing new, alone, empty, unwanted, depressed, confused, feel like I've been crying for weeks, haven't been able to when I get the chance, don't want to go to anybody because they've got their own shit. alone. Tired but slightly frieghteded of my empty bed. wishing he cared about me as much as I cared about him. wish I knew what she thought, wish he felt better, wish she knew what she wanted. wish my head wasn't spinning, wish my grandmother wasn't dieing, wish my job paid better, want a puppy, want a snake, want her to gain weight, wish I had known in high school what I know now, wish I were more motivated, wish for a winning lottery ticket, wish for a house. Know I sound ungrateful and pathetic. wishes mind would stop spinning. wish he was here....

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