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getting mine back
Friday, Apr. 19, 2002 - 3:46 a.m.

went to a yoga class with aislinn on tuesday... I had fun, but I am now painfully aware of how out of shape I am... I think I might want to make an honest commitment to loosing some weight... My weight is and isn't my biggest insecurity. Most of the time I couldn't give two fucks. I know that I'm over weight, but I'm okay with it... I don't really think I'm an attractive person, but I don't think that that has to do with my weight at all. But, when I get depressed, or get into that phase where I'm questioning what others think of me the reason I always come up with is that I'm fat. blah... I'm just at the point where I want to loose a little because it's getting stupid. I'd like to have a better body, that's all. and there's no real hurt in trying... Either way yoga was fun, and I definatly want to keep going.

The Wheel of Time game went really well, I should write down the story line sometime so you all can read it and know what I mean when I'm talking about it... not tonight though.

I over slept today, I'm soposed to be at work for 9:45 am. I get up at 8 to get ready usually. Today when I got up I was really tired, and after falling asleep on the toilet, I decided to sleep until 8:30... So 8:30 rolls around, and I get ready and have some extra time that I decide to dedicate to resting my eyes... I fell asleep.

I had some really interesting dreams wich coinsided with Avigens we found out later (yay for dream sex, no risk of getting pregnant). and woke up at 9:40, It takes me 15 min. to get to work... after work, I hung out with Julius and aislinn, then went home and took a much needed nap, and went out to dinner with Avigen and Aislinn, then watched trigun with Avigen, and Talked to Joyia on the phone briefly... all in all it was a good day.

And just so everyone knows, my mood improved durring the yoga class, I feel the depression creeping back ever so slowly, but it went away for awhile, and isn't so pressing right now, so I can ignore it...

I am upset that Avigen may not be able to go to origins this summer... I'm very tempted to have him save as much as he can and pay for his plane ticket. I want him there, and I'm geting 1100 back from taxes. Having him on at origins with me is probably the best present I can give myself... we'll see if he goes for it. ::sigh:: I hope he does...

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