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so tied up you don't know how she came
Sunday, Apr. 28, 2002 - 7:11 a.m.

Maybe you should give up, because maybe if you did you'd see that you're not fading into my past. Maybe you'd understand that, if given a chance I do call you, and want to spend time with you, but I can only do that IF I'M GIVEN A FUCKING CHANCE...

do you have any idea how annoying it is to listen to you go on and on about how you're afraid of being left behind? I'm not going to leave you behind. You need to trust me on that... Not leaving you behind is not the same as having you sergically implanted to my hip. I don't have to do everything with you, nor do I have to invite you everywhere. I've told you just as many times that it is fine to ask to hang out with me and Julius. You kept on talking about how tired you were, and how it sucked that you had your period, which are things I would say if I were ready to stay home for the night. How the fuck am I soposed to know that you want to come over, or do something unless you fucking ask?!?

and in case you really don't know how to ask a question heres a quick lession:

say something to the effect of "would you mind some extra company?" or "can I come?" either of these are relatavily universal and can be used in most any situation. feel free to make up your own, more personal ones that include names, specific locations, dates, or any other number of things... It really is that easy...

And part of me hesitates to put this up, because I know that you won't listen, or you'll set up some invisible test frame, and if I should happen not to call you in that time frame you'll start up again about how you're fading away into oblivion and I'm no different than anyone else, and blah blah blah...

Let me tell you something though. You're right, we don't spen as much time together as we used to. do you know why? Not only do we not work together anymore, but you don't work in the mall, of course we don't see each other as much as we did when we were working in the same booth. and you're right, you and I don't hang out as much as julius and I do... He doesn't whine about how I'm always canceling plans with him (and I do, on occasion, cancle plans with him, it happens, with everyone... not just you), and he ask me to hang out with him, or askes if he can come when I'm doing other things. And he trusts me, which you obviously dont.

(confused again? here.)

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