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put on your makeup boy
Tuesday, May. 21, 2002 - 12:35 a.m.

I feel bitchy, and I don't know why...

You know, just once, I'd like to feel like I was wanted at a job... Boss lady has no problem letting me go if I get the thing at poland springs. Piskie, she has problems letting go of. ::sigh:: I see where she's coming from, Piskie is uber smart, and would make a good retail manager, if she didn't absolutely hate it. If she were going to do anything like that, it would have to be her own store or company so she wouldn't get in trouble for kicking customers out, or telling them off. ::sigh:: Maybe I'll turn out to be a good customer service operator, and maybe poland springs will clamp onto me and not let go. ::shrug::

Julius got mad at me today 'cause I told his brother to hit him and he did. Julius said he was upset because his father didn't try to talk him out of not going back to school. ::rolls eyes:: anyway, it doesn't matter much now because I think he's over it, but I felt really bad about it afterwerds. I didn't mean to make him upset.

Aislinn and I hung out and watched movies today, we saw a really neat one calld Deeply. It's hard to explain, but worth renting. Kirsten Dunst is in it. my only advice is to ignore her accent. It was good to spent time with Aislinn, she and I haven't had much chance to do that lately...

I should go, I have to work early tomorrow morning... more later no doubt...

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