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There's a shadow just behind me,
Sunday, Jun. 30, 2002 - 6:00 a.m.

I couldn't sleep all night... I don't know if it has to do with my last entry, or if it was just a random bought of insomnia... Either way it wasn't completely unproductive. I finished all my reviews. I updated. I cleaned my kitchen, and I changed the water in my fish bowls.

I have two beta fish (aka japaneese fighting fish). Bert and Earnie. Bert almost died because he forgot that he can only fly in water... he hit the floor and flopped around while I tried to grab him and I was freaking until i thought to put a paper towel near him and scoop him up that way. Earnie is either smarter, or more resigned to his fate becasue he just let me scoop him with out struggeling at all.

I hate changing their water.

but it's mean not to.

At least my mom said she'd feed them while I'm in ohio and dog sitting...

::sigh:: I think I'll go watch I am sam and cry.

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