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I wanna see it all come down.
Monday, Jul. 08, 2002 - 12:13 a.m.

::waives:: I'm back, did you miss me? if you've been reading my diary, than you know that I went to ohio for the past four days. I will write about that, I actually have three or four entries worth of stuff to write down here, but I'm *uber* tired, and I just got back from hanging out with Avigen, and we had a really good time, so I want to write about that, If you've got a problem, please remember: THIS IS MY DIARY!! I'll write what I want when I want, so there :-P. You'll get the story, I promise.

I got back today, and called Julius, because I'm dogsitting at his house for the next week or so (that's where I am now). Then I called my parents to let them know that I was still alive and had landed safely. I was about to call Avigen, when he called me. He said to let him know when I was settled, because he had some suprises for me. I called when I got back from droping Aislinn off at her house. He asked if I wanted to come over, I asked if he wanted to come over, he said not really, so I said sure. He bought me a really big Andrea action figure, and this amazing chocolate bar that he gets in at work every once and a while. We watched movies, and umm, got distracted. yay! ::sigh:: I needed that. We haven't gotten time to ourselves in *forever*. Like even a while before I went to ohio. I'm a happy Imandra right now. It feels really good to be able to spend time with your boyfriend. ::beams::

Like I said, you'll get more of what actually happened in Ohio later, but I think I'm going to go sleep, Icky preverts want to steal my urine at 8:30 in the morning. (a.k.a: I need a drug test for my new job at poland springs)

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