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I wanna watch it all go down
Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2002 - 9:26 p.m.

Great. Wonderful. Just perfect. Let's just make a list of all the shit that's piled on top of me that I can do absolutly nothing about shall we?

1) my Grandmother died a slow, painful, cancerous death.

2)my great grandmother died two weeks later, and at her funeral my grandfather said that he didn't think I had been very close to her.

3)A week after that my Grandfather (husband of the grandmother that just died) is found dead on the floor of his apartment.

4)I start a job that I"ve wanted for a long time, that will pay me better than any job I've ever had, and will give me health benefits, and now it looks like I'm just not cut out for the job.

5) I call my boyfriend to try and vent. All I want is to colapse in a heap somewhere and let it all out. He tells me that I should tell the people at work that I'm not myself because my grandparents died. When I express my opinion on the matter he says I'm not listening and kind of shuts off. I get upset beyond that ability to talk and tell him I'll talk to him later and hang up before he says anything. He doesn't call back. I didn't really expect him to, but it'd be nice if he cared enough see if I've gotten any better (which I obviously haven't).

6) my best friend now apparently thinks that we spend too much time together. because of things we talked about yesterday,...,

so yeah, I'm great right now.

Does life get any better

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