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I wanna see the ground give way.
Thursday, Jul. 25, 2002 - 11:43 p.m.

Well at least work was better today. No crying :-D that's always good, right?

So I woke up this morning, got ready, and was sitting in my room contemplating how to spend the last twenty min before I had to go to work. I do this every morning, it's actually kind of funny. I wake up at 7:00, take my shower, sit on my bed and think about what I want to wear, ultamitly decide that I need new cloths, get dressed, then go back to my bed and sit there thinking about how I want to spend the remainder of my free time. On avarage I have about twenty min before I have to leave. It takes me about fifteen to figure out what I want to do. It almost always ends with me coming online to check e-mail and diary updates. Mornings to my brain, are like winter to a car, sometime you just gotta let it warm up before it runs right.

anyway, today while I was trying to figure out what to do, my mother knocked on my door. She gave me a bobby head dog that had been my grandfathers (he had had eight, there are eight grandkids), then she handed me a little stone with an angel on it and started crying. She told me that when she had first started working full time it had been really hard for her, and that she had comd home crying a lot too (insert tears and a choked up voice from her here). She said that Grammy had given her a pen, and when she wrote with it she had always felt better. She told me that she didn't have a pen for me, but she thought that I could keep that stone with me and hold it when I got a tough call, 'cause it might be helpful to realise that I had Popa and Grammy watching over me, and to know that they believed in me, and that she did too. You know, I may complain about my parents sometimes, but when you get right down to it, I am lucky to have them.

You know what else? The stone really did help. I got yelled at by this one guy, who wasn't even a customer, and I was fine. I even worked all by myself all day. I was fine. I didn't have to have anyone take my calls over for me, and I only had to ask for help a few times.

I went to the street and talked to Piskie and Boss lady, and Spider Monkey when he came in. That is one thing I'll miss about only working there one day a week. Piskie and I always have a blast when we work together, and I'm going to miss not seeing her like almost everyday. I'm not too worried about keeping in touch with her though, we always have Wheel of Time on Sunday, and I want to Start running a game of my own called Children of the Sun. Spider Monkey said he wanted to play, so even if she doesn't, she might end up watching...

Avigen was just online. Not a word from him. ::sigh:: I'm tempted to see how long he lets this go. I'm not even that upset with him. Just hurt. I wonder if it even bothers him that I hung up on him yesterday. I wonder if he thinks about me half as much as I think about him. ::sigh::

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