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Cuz I'm praying for rain
Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2002 - 4:23 a.m.

Poor Sombrengel. I just read her entry. That's a lot to have to go through at 3am, espically when you're working in the morning. I'm sure they'll figure it out though, they always seen too.

::rereads that:: wow, could I get anymore vague? I'm referencing this entry.

So I am up now, not because I couldn't sleep, but because I have to leave my house soon. I have a route ride to go on today. I actually hope that it will be fun. It's ungodly early, but I think I'll deal, espically when I'm done around 1:30 this after noon :-)

So still no word from Avigen. I left a note on his car yesterday. Just saying hi, and that I love him. I thought it would be nice for him to see it after work. I wish I could change myself into a fly sometimes... I'd like to be able to see the expression on his face when he gets stuff like that. I'll do that every now and then, Leave something on his car for when he gets out of work.

You know, I keep thinking back to Sombrengel's enrty. She was talking about how she and Lord Allen got in a fight. First it was online, so she signed off AIM, Then he called her, so she shut off her phone, Then he came over and knocked on her window until she let him in. I know that must be frustrating while it's happening at like 2 in the morning, but at least she know that he loves her.

I don't think anyone cares about me enough to come knocking on my bedroom window at 2 in the morning. Allbeit it's a little harder in my case, my bedrooms on the 2nd floor. That's not the point though.

Actually, looking back I'm not sure this entry had a point in the first place. Or most of the diary for that matter. Oh well, what can you do?

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