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Fuck these dysfunctional
Monday, Aug. 05, 2002 - 1:16 a.m.

So I learned something today:

Avigen and I can dissagree about things, and have a normal discussion about it with out it turning into an all out fight. Tonight's game went horribly horribly wrong. Honestly? it was pretty much Avigen fault. He had his character stand up to a situation that should have gotten him killed. I'm going to use terms in this next paragraph that will only make sence if you're familiar with Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, I could detail it out, but that would take too long, so I'm apologizing now.

Avigen's character Ish, is a male channeler, There was a prophet of the dragon who had gathered about a hundred people to follow him. The prophet wasn't aware that he (the prophet) was channeling, Ish showed him that he (the prophet) could. The followers, in turn found that they had been lied too, and were following a male channeler. They weren't aware tha Ish could channel, they wanted the prophet dead, they were willing to let ish go, but ish wasn't going to let them kill the prophet. There was a lengthy talk between angry mob and ish, in the end the prophet died and ish walked away.This was the basic breakdown.

Avigen thought that because he punched the leader of the mob, because he got three or four wolves to howl, and taking into account that some of the people would have just left, and other who realized that they could also channel would have made an expdeious retreat, he should have been able to get the prophet out alive.

I thought that given the general attitude of the avarage people towards Male channelers, given that it was an angry mob, and even agreeing that some may have left and that instead of the full hundred, it may have only been fifty or sixty, that's still all of those people to one, Ish should have been every bit the bloody mass that the male channeler ended up.

We both agreed that Spidermonkey gave all those randome people really high AC's. I thought he held them off too long. Avigen maintains that he should have been able to talk then out if it, but his character has a very low charisma score. Either way we spent the whole ride home talking about our disagreeances. I thought that he was going to be mad at me, but when we got into his driveway we stopped talking about it, and he kissed me good night. It makes me happy to know that we can do that. It's nice to be able to discuss you're opinions, and not have a problem when they differ from someone you love's.

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