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Fuck all you junkies and
Thursday, Aug. 15, 2002 - 11:37 p.m.

Did I tell you guys I got my rats? Well if I didn't than I did. (yay for confusing sentences) They're really cute, Soul is mostly white with a brown head and sholders, and a few spots along her spine, and Tear is similar, but blonde. I thnk Joyia's rat got Soul pregnant though. Oh well If she is I'll give the babies to Piskie and Spidr Monkey so they can feed their snakes, and If I have a snake by then I'll keep some for him.

Both of them hate their tank. I need to buy them a wire cage, maybe then they'll be happier. someone in my life deserves to be happy.

So my stupid bitch of a grandmother came over today for a little, she gave me some horrendous cloths, and took my measurements so that she could make me more of them. yay. She didn't stay very long, but now she wants me to go out with her next thursday. joy of joys.

Piskie got me something, and I have to wait until sunday to find out what it is... ::sigh::

Aislinn and I walked around the mall for awhile tonight. I helped her pick out an outfit for the larp.

Speaking of which I need to write out my character backgroung and get it over to sombrengel soon. I've got most of it worked out I think. we'll see I sopose. I should e-mail her and ask exactly what she wants, although I'm pretty sure it's just the story of how I've spent my life as a vampire, and what brings me to the city, and all that good stuff. and Like I said, I think I've got that all worked out, I just need to put it on paper. you know what I want? a nice walk in frezer complete with huge bed, handcuffs, rope, a blindfold, a candle and lighter, a feather, and avigen sitting on the bed... Is that so much to ask? I don't think so... okay I'm off to bed

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