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One great big festering neon distraction
Monday, Sept. 02, 2002 - 8:27 p.m.

So as proofof how much I wanted to see Avigen today I cleaned my room. After I had done that I called him and he came over, and we taked. It was good, I feel much better now. He wants me to talk to him more. I can do that, It's stuff that I should have been doing in the first place. I told him why I was mad at him yesterday. I explained that I was afraid that He didn't love me as much as I loved him. I told him that I didn't always know wh I was upset.

He told me that what he needs in a relationship is someone who talks to him, and that we won't work if we don't talk... It's true. I told him about how I feel like He thinks I'm this strong person, and how I don't feel that at all. He said that he still thinks I'm strong, but he understands if I don't feel that way right now, and that he thinks that I'm entitled not to (something Spider Monkey said earlier too).

So yeah, all in all I feel better. I am going to make an effort talk to him more.

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