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I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied
Monday, Sept. 02, 2002 - 2:38 p.m.

Spider Monkey called me today. He read this and was concerned for how I was doing :-) we talked for about fifteen min. It was really cool, 'cause we don't get to talk very much. He was a little concerned that he wierded me out, which isn't true at all. I appreciated it an awful lot. He even offered to take me to see my grandparents. I said no because It occured to me that my mother hasn't been to see them yet either, so I thought that the two of us could go, but she doesn't want to. ::sigh:: I think I'm going to go on thursday when I have my car back.

I just got off the phone with Avigen. he's not in the mood to hang out. Well fuck you too. It seams like he's never in the mood to hang out. And sometimes I honestly wonder why I have that fear that he doesn't really want to be in a relationship with me. He says that he's too upset right now. I told him that I agreed with Julius, and that the two of us did need to sit and have a talk, he said that probably wouldn't be a good Idea while he was twitchy and wanted to kill things. ::sigh:: I told him if he changed his mind later he could give me a call. I think I'm going to go clean my room and ask him to come over. If he feels better later...

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