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Any fucking time. Any fucking day
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2002 - 9:52 p.m.

Oh, I could kill my mother. I swear. you know, you make angreement with some one, and then they get mad at you for keeping it, and ARGH, just argh.

When I got home last night my sister told me that mom and dad were pissed that I peirced my ear when I owed them money. When they lent me the money we made a payment agreement: I would pay them $150 every two weeks, I paid them last friday, so that means that I don't owe them money until next friday. The money I spent will not prevent me from paying them back. It is from my street paycheck. I kept that job for extra spending money. I don't need them hounding me, and getting upset at me for spending my own money. I am paying them back. I saw my dad first, he said that was fine, and that he hadn't even known about it. I told my mother and she flipped out on me. fuck here, I don't need that first thing in the morning, first of all, and second of all, she's still getting her fucking money. I'm sorry if every penny I own isn't immediatly forked over into her pocket. If she wanted that she should have said something when we made the agreement.

My piercing may not have hurt when I did it, but my god it itches. Piskie, I hope that makes you feel better. It's been itchy all day, and I can't scratch it. I had my first eargasm while I was cleaning it. I am now offically in love with Q-tips, I want to go to BJ's buy the biggest box of them I can find and marry it, then when it rund out, I want to divorce that one and marry an new full one. Is that shallow?

I do have to say thought, that it looks amazingly good for a new peircing, it's not swollen or red, just itchy. So itchy. So very very itchy.

There's a meeting at work tomorrow morning at 9am, I have to stay until 12, for the last part of the meet ing I have to make phone calls telling people that we're have a sale, yay, what fun. I hate doing shit like that. ::sigh:: oh well at least there's game. and I get to see Avigen. Oh! and there's going to be free coffee and doughnuts, that's good. umm yeah, I think that after the meeting I'm just going to go home and crash until it's time to go to game.

I have this really strong desire to play frequency. it's all Julius's fault. I'm going to be soo bored tomorrow. Hey Julius, if you read this before you go to work tomorrow, can I borrow you PS2 and frequency game? just bring it to the mall, I'll bring it back to you at game... PLEASE?? (I'm only half serious, I won't be mad if you don't, but I'd love you forever if you did)

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