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Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 - 11:14 p.m.

I'm going to write about all the shit that my head did to me this weekend first so that I don't end with it and give people the impression that I didn't enjoy myself. This weekend Avigen felt very distand. He'd been talking about all the things he was going to do to me this weekend for a while before the party, he didn't do anything. at all. I actually got the impression that he was kinda avoiding me. which sucked because saturday and today I was in a really cuddly mood. I also had a mini breakdown saturday night. I was sitting looking out at the lake, and I realized that part of the reason I'm having problems getting over my grandparents deaths is because it doesn't seam real yet, I also realized that the holidays are going to be really hard because that's when I usually see them. I warned Avigen to expect this, and we started talking about it, and I started crying. Right now I'm really wondering what's going on, because when I left his car I asked if he wanted to hang out tomorrow, and he said we'd talk about it he was upset. He may just have been tired I hope that was all it was. ::sigh::

Joyia's actual party was great, we spent friday at her house, then saturday we went up to actual New Hampshire and stayed there over night and all of today. It's so gorgous up there. The house was awesome too. Piskie, Spider Monkey, Julius and I all pitched in and got Joyia a Ball Python. she loved it. We think she's a girl, and she's absolutly beatiful, and got very friendly after a little handeling. She's already developed this really cute habbit of resting on Joyia's sholder and looking at whatever Joyia's looking at. Her name (unless she tells Joyia otherwise) is Aviendha. Joyia took her everywhere this weekend. it was really neat. I'm really glad we did this for her.

Joyia, Peppy, Julius and I all went skinny dipping earlier today, It was cold, but in a really refreshing way. Steve, the 50 year old chaprone went with us, naked and everything. He was actually really cool. I hope that I can be that comfortable with myself when I'm in my 50's. The whole naked thing really just wasn't a big deal with him at all.

There's a whoel lot more that happened, but nothing really big, just a bunch of really randome fun stuff. so all and all it was a really great weekend.

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