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It's a
Friday, Oct. 04, 2002 - 8:43 p.m.

Right, so over all today was interesting...

I was soposed to babysit for red tonight. While I'm at work Joyia calls and says that she's stealing me to take up to royalston for dinner. I'm upset because I can't go, I try to catch her, get her mom, and let her know that I'm not going to be there. I get back to my desk, and I have another message on my phone; it's Red, she doesn't need a sitter tonight. Which is good, because I'm under the impression that Joyia was on her way down. So now I can go.

Dinner was at seven, I haven't heard from Joyia at all. I'm just worried now because I don't know where she went, I'm hoping that she got the message from her mom and therefore did not come down. I don't know whatelse could have happened, she has my cell phone number, and I'd hope that she'd call if she were down here...

In better news, I don't have to call in for columbus day. I was going to call in so that I could go to King Richard's Faire With Avigen. I

ve been working as Poland Spring just long enough to get that off as a holiday. Therefore I get paid for it, yay!!

So yeah, it's been and up and down day. Joyia was soposed to come down this weekend, and I'm wondering if that changed and that's why she wanted to take me to dinner... I hope not. Maybe She'll read this and call me to let me know what happened. I just want to be sure she and Peppy (because I'm assuming that's who she came down with ) are alright.

Well I have nothing more to say, and there's nothing for me to do tonight, so I think I'll go get lost in Elfwood... G'night

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