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Fret for your pilot and
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 - 9:11 p.m.

My dreams actually sent me messages last night. Off and on lately I've been considering going back to college. Last night I drempt that I was back in college, and I spent the whole dream running around the campus looking for people and liquor. The whole idea of clases didn't even come up until the very end of the dream when some one said that they'd see me in class the next day, and I realized that I didn't even know what classes I had... I'm pretty sure that means that I'm not ready to go back yet... ah well that'll change soon.

The little one's upset, she doesn't want to talk about it, I'll ask her about it again when my parents go upstairs to bed. I hope she'll tell me.

I'm gonna try to get my dad hooked on "Wheel of Time" I gave him the 1st book this morning. I've been getting so many comments about the thickness of what I'm reading... 964 pages isn't that long, is it?

All I want in life right now is to be curled up in a ball with someone (preferably avigen), naked, on a big comfy bed... I don't (necessicarily) need anything else to happen. Just me, a nice soft matress with soft sheets, and arm around my waist cupping my breast, the feel of a body pressed against mine, that wonderful drifting feeling that comes with being half awake... and the chainsaw buzz snore of the man I love, what more could I ask for?

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