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Fret for your lawsuit and
Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002 - 8:58 p.m.

I feel like writing, but I'm not sure about what...

Soul had her babies, not as many as tear though, tear had 12 yes 12 babies... all I can say is wow.

ooo, Will and Grace is on, I'll write more in about half an hour...

Okay, I'm better now. I was horibly addicted to television as a child. Sitcoms were my life. I'm mostly over that (I almost got a life), but there are atill a few that I like Will and Grace is one of them, thought I don't usually watch them, if I get the chance I will sit and wach it, it give me my tv fix, and life goes on...

Avigen called me on his break ::girly excitement creeps into voice; Imandra stamps it out quickly::, which was cool. We didn't really talk about much, but I got a neat mental picture of him, he said that he was sitting on the shopping carts eating popcorn and talking to me. I don't know why it found it cute, or why it stuck, but it did. ::smiles slightly::

Right. So. yeah, I guess that's about it. So much for writing, I think I'll go work on my wearwolf character, g'night all

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