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Fret for your hairpiece and
Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002 - 8:33 p.m.

My Brain feels like someone threw in in a blender and then poured it back in my ear. Nothing really trigered it, which almost makes it worse. I feel like a snowglobe, I'm just waiting for the glitter to settle.

I spent most of this weekend with Joyia. We had a lot of fun. We didn't do much of anything, but that's okay. She cleaned my car out; random... We went to Avigen later (at that point we were both giggling messes, and the 3 of us went to see "knockaround guys". I liked It, I want to be a mob boss... or maybe just a mob hussey, that'd be fun I think. Not having to worry about money, being feared, having enough power to make a difference. Being hunted down by the poliece, Never knowing who's gonna stab me in the bak to gain personal status... You know, all kinds of great things.

Aislinn had called and asked me if I wanted to see it with her. I called her back on saturday, but I got her voicemail.

Sunday I hung out with Julius (and Joyia later). We all watched 3x3 eyes. Which was amazing I will have to start investing in this manga... Either that or I'll just hunt down the entire staff and beat them until they start producing the series again ::evil grinn::

Spider Monkey cancled game becuase he's got a really bad cold, which I sopose is better off in the long run because Avigen's insomnia has been acting up again and he was on the verge of colapsing. Julius and I were upset though. I remembered to bring Piskie's Hair Ties and everything...

Random observation: I have a Hickey on my shoulder. And now that I sit and think about it I think it's from Joyia... She and I were goofing around and she bit my shoulder...

Peppy started a diary. I'm offically frightened and worried for Joyia. Some of Those entriesare just disturbing.

My parents are going away this weekend. I want Avigne to stay over, but I do't think He'll be able to. It's LARP that weekend ::sigh::

Joyia's snake ate one of Tear's babies. I don't feel bad for the baby, I feel bad for tear. Joia thinks I'm on crack, but I swear that tear was looking around in the shavings for the missing baby.

I went and watched Avigen and Lord Alan play Warhammer on Monday. I actually had more Fun than I thought I would... CSA, NAVA, RooRoo, Avigen and I went out to the 99 pub after, Avigen was really cute about asking me if I wanted like a salad, or different kinds of apatizers or anything, I had asked CSA to pick up my bill and let me pay him back on friday, but I think that Avigen ended up paying for me. ::Grinn::

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