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Off to a bad Start
Sunday, Oct. 27, 2002 - 2:14 a.m.

My friday Five (Two days late)

1. What is your favorite scary movie?

Honestly? I think Blair Witch Project (the first one) It was origional, and it really did creep me out

2. What is your favorite Halloween treat?

I really like carmel apples

3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume.

Of course! I've had some okay one's, I usually go as a gypsy, but when I was a little baby my mom dressed me up as a bumble bee, I still think those pictures of me are really cute

4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?

Yes, They don't always scare me personally, but I still like seeing other people get scared

5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year?

My work is having a Costume contest, and 1st place get's $100. yes. I am dressing up

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