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Fret for your figure and
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 - 9:16 a.m.

Sorry! I will start updating my dairy more often. honest...

So today is a mental health day from work... You know, time to myself (until Avigen calls). No awnsering phones, all that good stuff.

Last Night I went to see Jackass with Julius. wow. That was a really dumb movie, and I'm throughly convinced that I've permanatly lost some IQ points, but I laughed the whole way through. See, I can appreciate stupid humor. They weren't lame about it either, like there was no plot, they didn't try to act, it was just the stupid shit that they pull on the TV shows with out having to worry about being sensored, and being able to pay for everything. I can't sit through a whole episode of Jackass on TV, but The movie was comprised of all of the stunts that keep me entertained. It's not overly long either, it's like an hour and 45 min. It's not mandatory to see it theatres, but I'd sugest renting it if you find yourself in the mood to watch something, but you're not quite sure what... I know that I'll watch it again whe Julius buys it.

So, sleaned out the rat cages today here is the offical count: I have 23 rats, 21 of which are cute fuzzy babies with huge innocent eyes that are open. I can't bring myself to freeze them. but I won't have room for all of them when they're grown up... Piskie will take two, Joyia will take some for snake food ths weekend... but I think I'll still end up with some left over... So, if anyone is willing to drive down to Massachusetts for some free absolutly adorable, well mannered rats, for pets or food, sign the guest book, or drop me an e-mail and we'll talk... I wish I had a digital camera so I could post how cute they are (not that anyone reads this anyway). Oh well I'm gonna go not be on the computer now.

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