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Some say the end is near.
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002 - 12:06 a.m.

So. I tweaked My character Background a little, and sent it off. Now I have to wait for the Storytellers to read it and let me know what they think. I'm sure there are a million things that I left out. I know that I didn't give one hint as to what arts I want the character to have, and I didn't write about my chrysalis at all. I just want to know what they think. I have this horrible anxiety about letting people read my writing. Not stuff like this, my fiction, or my peotry, see, I bet you didn't even know That I wrote poetry. I just tend to think that anything I write is crap, and I'm always afraid that anytime someone gives me feed back they're just being nice so they don't hurt my feelings. ::shrug:: I guess we'll see. At least Sombrengl, Lord Allen and DeskTop are blunt. If they think my background stinks I have no doubt that they'll tell me. Which is fine, I don't have a problem tweaking my background. I don't think that the objective of a game should be to be the biggest badass character possible. I whole heartedly believe that characters should be made with something of the storyline in mind, and that the background shouldn't be so concrete and final that nothing can creap out and snagg you, that's no fun. ::shrug:: I don't know I lost my train of thought, and I should be in bed now. work, ugh.

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