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Relax. Turn around and take my hand.
Saturday, Nov. 23, 2002 - 1:06 p.m.

I went to Werewolf last night. That was fun. I like my character for that game. She's fun. Joyia called while I was in game. I knew I didn't like her parents. Her mother is accusing her of letting the air out of some of the tires on their cars. and she doesn't believe her when Joyia is denying it. It couldn't possibly have been her stupid bitch of a sister, and her mom is thinking about calling the police. ::sigh:: Bitch. Joyia called Peppy, and he was soposedly going up to get her last night, she was going to sleep and wren's house, and call me in the morning. well, it's 1:14. She hasn't called. I hope she's okay. This is the only reason I think everyone should have a cell phone. If she did at least I could call her to see if she's alright, and decide from there if I should worry. As it is right now I don't know if she made it down here, or if she's still up there, or what. blah.

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