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Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
Monday, Nov. 25, 2002 - 10:25 p.m.

ARGH!!!! ya know?!? just ARGH!!!.

So I told Boss Lady that I would pick up another night durring the week, any night but friday nights. Friday is the only night I really want to myself. I play werewolf that night, is that so much to ask? Apparently it is. I went to the mall tonight to go to dinner and a movie with Avigen (which was a whole lot of fun by the way), and I went into the Street to get the paycheck that I never picked up last week. I checked the schedual for next week, and guess when she's got me schedualed... yup that's right. Friday. She didn't even ask me. You know, if she ahd asked me I probably would have said yes. but she didn't. I'm not going to work that night. Avigen doesn't believe me, he thinks I'm going to end up working it, but whatever. I'm sorry, I'm doing her a favor by picking up the extra night in the first place. I ask for two things from that job: The last saturday night of the month off, and not to work friday nights. I know that I don't have a major ammount of flexibility, but I also don't ask for a minimum number of hours, if she wanted to she could schedual me for 0 hours. ::sigh:: I'm working with her on wednesday, I'll talk to her then.

That's the other thing Piggy talked to her tonight for me while i was at the movies. and Boss Lady yelled at her. ::sigh::

And then there's my car. I think the battery's dieing, My brakes are working like shit, and it smells like burning plastic, not good signs. Maybe the brakes will just give out while I'm on the highway and I won't have to deal with any of it anymore. ::sigh:: No, I didn't mean that litarlly. I just don't seam to be able to hold onto a car for more than a year, and that's mildly frustrating. espically considering I still owe like $800 on this piece of shit. To steal a term from Snakeface ::boggle::

Avigen and I had a good night. We went to dinner, and we saw die another day. It was okay. They had a trailor for Start Trek Nemisis, and being the trekkie geek that I am I was drooling over it. They also had a preview for Charlies Angles: Full Throttle. It'll probably suck, but It has lucy lu, and drew barrymoore, and I'll see it just for them...

Okay I'm done now...

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