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To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive
Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002 - 5:39 p.m.

I called Avigen on my break today. I don't enjoy being mad at him, and Julius pointed out something that made me start thinking. Avigen called Julius on sunday night asd asked if he wanted to hang out, burn some CD's get some coke put a little something else in it and play video games. Now Avigen doesn't drink for what he call's "good reasons" he states that he's a very violent drunk. I actually don't know, I've never seen him even touch an alchoholic beverage. I don't know if he ment that he wanted to drink with Julius, or if he was just stating that he was okay with the fact that Julius would be drinking.

Julius telling me about that reminded me of something else. When we were talking yesterday on my break, I had said I would call if I got out early. He said that was fine as long as I was okay with the fact that he'd be a sob because he had some house work to do. I daid that he couldn't be much more of a slob than I was, he said that I was much worse when he was really depressed. IT didn't strike me odd at the time because we went onto other things, but now I'm wondering. I actually just called him to leave him a random message and he's changed his voicemail too. all it says is go away... ::sigh:: Maybe I"ll stop in and see him at work...

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