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I don't want it
Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2002 - 6:33 p.m.

You know, sometime's the titles make sence, other times they totally contradict the entry, this would be one of those times. Thursday, Julius and I hung out. He got out of work before me, and I went to his house when I got out. I cane to the door and there was a post it note saying come in, then ther was a pile of stuff on the table covered with a garbage bag it said to Imandra, don't open. Julius made me wait until he made some tea, then he took the garbage bag off of the pile of presents, there was a big box on top, and 3 little boxes underneath the big box had a list of Names on it. Juluis told me that these were the people who made this gift possible, then he let me open it, which I did. All of my friends pitched in and got me a PS2! How awesome was that? I also got a memory card and a game. I was absolutely speechless. for a few reasons: 1) It's a fucking PS2! I now have a DVDplaying video game console in my room. 2)The sheer Number of people who actually pitched in, and 3) I was almost crying, not over the PS2, while it is probably the best gift I've ever gotten, it is still only a physical thing. I was almost crying because of all of the people who were willing to pitch in money to buy me a gift. The list follows:





Julius' mom and step dad

The Little one



Spider Monkey









Boss Lady




Aislinn's mom



The bald guy from the mall

Yeah, so I feel very loved for that, thank you all. you all rock.

So we're getting ready for Christmas at my house tomorrow, normally we'd all be at my father parents house right now, but my mother fell at work and dislocated her sholder, so umm yeah, we deceded to stay home. She went back to the hospital today and the poped it in, but she can't move it to much right now, so the bitchy one, the little one, dad, and I are seeing how much stuff we can get done tonight...

People are offically stupid. I don't even want to get into it, I've just fielded some of the stupidest calls one could imagine. I'll put the most frustrating story up, mainly because It shows how it's not just customers that piss me off:

I was on the phone with this woman for 25 min while she was trying to get me to give her credit for the rental on her water cooler. She claims that she was told that she couldn't buy it out right, and that she could only rent it (which is bullshit, no one would tell her that. no one), which is the only reason she was renting it from us. She's only had the acnt for 5 months, she's already had $52.00 of the $172.00 that we've charged her credited back, I was not going to give this woman the $50. No way. we went back and forth, and finally she wanted me to ask my manager if I could give her the credit, I said sure (knowing that anyone I talked to would side with me) and asked if I could put her on hold while I asked, she said sure, she was on hold for all of 1 min, and she hung up. she called back, talked to someone else, and they gave her the credit. I wanted to scream. I hate people. I agree with Piskie.

So I've seen LOTR 3 times so far, I'll probably see it again, It's just so good.

Sunday, Joyia and I went to a pagan store in Middleboro for a yule celebration, I brough Snakeface, I had fun, I hope he did too.

Poor Avigen was sick all this weekend. Nearest I can tell he had the same thing that badsnake had, poor thing. He's better now though. We hung out monday night, wich was really nice. I love that boy so much...

I have tomorrow and thursday off, then saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, and wednesday off next week. I think I'm gonna go see Joyia and Aislinn for New Years, they're having a party type thing.

Joyia was gonna come down to see us on the 26th but it's gonna snow, so she's probably not now. ::sigh:: s'okay thought it isn't her fault...

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