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I need more
Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002 - 10:27 a.m.

::Tries to form a mental image of fucking a bug, fails, and writes an entry instead::

See, everyone seams to be in this semi uproar about Aislinn moving. No, uproar isn't the right word. Everyone was suprised that she did it. Mainly because she did it so quickly, and with so little thought. And by dropping everything she did have here.

She quit her job. Granted she had a decent reason, but she still did it by just saying "i don't work here anymore" Instead of, like, giving her two weeks and looking for something else in the interrum. But she was stressing (apparently more than any of us do at our jobs).

She left her house, I can understand wanting to move out, it's the logical course of action. You graduate High School, You go to college, you drop out (or graduate, depending on your conviction), you start looking for a place of your own, and you leave. if we didn't we'd all be living at our grandparents houses right now... What I don't understand is why she would have to get out so bad, and so quickly that she would run away to a friends house. But she did.

She'd been making plans with some friends to look for an apartment. She had a job that (while it was stressful) provided her with enough money to start seriously saving for it. She had a stable place to stay where her mommy loved her. The job got to be too much, so she dumped all three of the stable points in her life. I can see where some people would be suprised by this. I'm not really. I've noticed something with Aislinn, she's always looking for the outside force that she's sure must exist to stablize her and make all her problems better. She focuses on what she believes that thing to be, and pulls as much of it into her as possible until a) it's all gone, or b) it can't help her anymore. And while there are lots of thing out there that will be able to make her happy, none of them will be able to fix her. There is no one who can fix Aislinn except herself. She won't believe that now, and I'll probably get and disgusted, depressed reply entry, or she'll go tell Julius, or Joyia, or her boyfriend how horrible and mean I am for what ever she decides is offensive in this entry. I'll say this now: I'm not saying any of this out of malice. Aislinn is constantly posting the question of why is her life so miserable, and how is it that no one understands her or this that and the other. She can awnser those questions by accepting that there are things in her that need to change, isolating those things, and changing them, this is something any of us can do for our selves, we are also the only ones who can do it for ourselves, even if you're in therapy, the therapist can only help you realize what's wrong and point you in the right direction. obtaining mental help will only work if there is a willingness on both ends. Aislinn wants to get better, but she wants some one else to do it completely for her. She makes excuses for why she can't go and get professional help, or do anything that might actually help her help herself, because she doesn't want to help herself. It looks like the next thing is her current boyfriend. This will end one of two ways: She'll decide that boyfriend boy isn't the source, drop whatever shit job she's aquired, and come back here to look around for the next fix. Or She'll not bother to look for a job, use up her savings, and Joyia's mom will kick her out. Either way it's "not her fault" The reason she will come back here will either be because of how horrible her boyfriend was, or how horrible Joyia's mother was.

So yeah Snakeface, don't worry, she will be back, and I'm sure she'll be all set to move in with you and Dippy and Dippy's gf when she does...


In semi-related news:

Last night I had the strangest dream last night. we wee in my house sitting around. My mother was in a different body, but It was my mother. She was dating Aislinn, Aislinn was in the next room, while my mother was complaining (quite loudly) about how annoying she was and whiney, and all this really mean stuff, all of which Aislinn overheard, and I went into the next room and comforted her. sorry, that's the only part I really remember. Wierd hough no? Aislinn and my mom dating...

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