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I suck
Friday, Jan. 03, 2003 - 12:50 a.m.

I am a horrible person. I am such an idiot. What the fuck is the point of any of this? I don't want to be here, do you know what I want from life? for it to be over.

I'm not even responsible enough to take care of a baby snake. yeah that's right, I was refilling everyone's water and I noticed that clover was dead. curled up in a pathetic little ball in the corner. I am so pissed and upset right now. how could I be so stupid? what the hell is wrong with me? snakes are *not* that hard to take care of. you feed them once every two weeks, make sure they have heat and water and that's pretty much it. I think he went too long between feedings, the last few times I went to petco they didn't have any pinkies, so it's been a while since he last ate. It's either that or he got too cold in my room, either way it's completely and totally my own fault. and Now because of my neglect a living being that I was looking after is gone. I'm such a moron.

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