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Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2003 - 10:29 p.m.

I stayd home from work today, I felt like ass. I kept getting dizzy, and this wierd recurring headache that I've had since sunday wished me a loud good morning when I woke up. So I said "fuck it" called my work. Mumbled into the phone (I hope they understood me) and rolled over back into a deep sleep. I woke up when Julius called me from work to see where I was. we talked briefly, then my body realzed that even though it was sick it had had enough sleep, so I poped in Star Trek and proceded to wallow in my own sick dorky bordom. I felt better around 6, and realized also just how much of my day I spend in a buliding, working. It's sad, but it's also not like I'd be doing anything better with myself if I weren't there.

so Snakeface does this thing in his diary sometimes. He got a book of lists to make from his mother for his birthday I think. I just went through his diary and I amd Now going to Grace you all with my lists, mainly because I have Nothing else to write about.

Here we go:

List all the Qualities you love about being Human:

We fall in love.
We create art (visual and auditory)
We are (I believe) the only species who's females orgasm.
Our comunication structure*

List all of the Activities you'd do if you weren't so afraid:

I'd quit my job.
I'd start auditioning again.
I'd sing in public.
I'd dance.
I'd bungee jump.
I'd sky dive.

List all of the names you've been called, endearing or not so:

My little Rogue

List what always makes you laugh:

Going out to Dinner with Joyia
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Robin Williams
George Carlin
Talking for Julius**
Whose Line is it Anyway

List the Ways you don't care to die:

After all my friends
by spider bite
Actually, any way that involves spiders.
By My friends hands
Without the chance to tell those I love that I love them.
by suffocating under a pile of elephant dung
On the toilet

List the daydreams you usually have:

The way things could have been.
The way I want things to be.
The past expierances I've had.
The Super powers that I know I should have, but somehow don't.
Being a mermaid.

List what you like to do when you're alone:

Play Video Games
err, umm, wank...
update this thing
sing at the top of my lungs

List all of the Beauty tricks you do to make yourself look better:

Brush My Hair
and teeth
Shave my legs
try to put on make up
wash it off when I screw it up
put lotion on.

List all of the things you Hide when your friends come to visit:

My dirty underwere
all the really old dishes in my room
any porn or sex toys that happen to be floating around (heh)

*(really, I watched way too much TV today and after awhile i stoped listening to what they were saying, and started listening to how they were saying it, words are beautiful to listen to.)

**(Done when he's upset about something. It consists of the two of us, usually curled up on his bed, reaching a point in our conversation where he stops awnsering me, for whatever reason. I move his bottom lip to make it look like He's talking and I say stupid things like "Hello, my name is Julius, and I like Monkey's, spam, and long walks on the beach at midnight, but not as much as I like cheese." I can rarly get this out with out bursting out laughing, but it alway's makes him laugh too, so it's all good.)

There all caught up, now I'll just tack them onto entries as he posts them.

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