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Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003 - 2:38 a.m.

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So Yesterday I threw up at work. It was either food poisoning, or a little bug... My stomach was doing flip flops the rest of the day, I left work, went to sacred ways, and hung out with Snake Lady* until Joyia showed up. We taught her (joyia) how to use the cash regestir, and then Joyia and I Headed over to the college so I could play Werewolf... Poor Joyia Needs cuddling despratly, and who better to cuddle her than her boyfriend and girlfriend? Either way, we played until like 2:30 in the morning, I was eating tums like they were chocolate to keep myself from throwing up. I drove Joyia home, and crashed, That was the first night in a long time that I didn't plant myself in front of the computer before retiring...

Today was Imbolic, and Snake Lady was having an open circle, I'd gone to the Yule one, so I went today too. It was good, the woman who ran the circle, Morgan*, did a good job, she did a guided meditation. We were soposed to go into our past and Talk with a gaurdian spirit about what we wanted this turning of the wheel to bring us. If you've never done a guided meditation then you'll probably think I'm nuts, but this is what happened:

I was a Gypsy, I walked over to a river near where we had camped (I was barefoot. It was cold, but not so cold that I would risk frostbite). The ground was spongy. The river was frozen, but beginning to thaw. I put my hand donw to touch the Ice, and it cracked a little, and water from underneath bubbled up. I looked up to see what Spirit I would be talking with, and Avigen was on the otherside. He walked over the Ice, knowing exacly where to step, We talked, about a lot of things. What I wanted, That I needed to be more open with him and tell him more about what's going on in my head, and trust him to be able to help me with my problems. He pointed to the river, and the Ice parted to show the water underneath. At this point in the meditation, we were soposed to recieve a gift from the guide, My gift was (I know, this sounds sappy, but it's what it was) love... not a physical thing, but a feeling.

So yeah that was interesting...

After the circle we hung around and talked. Morgan has gone through a lot lately, and she has what I like to call High Priestess syndrome... A lot of times, when someone uses Magick a lot in their lives, they start to get the feeling that They know what their exact path in this life will be, and that they can see enough of the picture to know exactly what should be coming their way. Morgan for example: Her Husband passed away recently, she has been asking the powers that be to show her where she needs to go, and to bring someone into her life, because she doesn't want to be alone for this. That, to me is semi contradicting itself... She has decided that her path will bring someone else into her life, and she's not willing to except the fact that it may not be on her path yet. She wants someone else before next winter.... I wanted to say this to her, that she should listen, and be open to the fact that it may not be time for her to have someone new, but I dont' really know her, and well, I'm young, and I find that people 20+ years older than you don't really want to listen to a 20 year old who's telling them that they need to slow down and watch themselves...

Anyway, after the circle, Joyia and I went to Avigen's house, watched Anime, and cuddled, and made out... ::sigh:: all in all it was a good night... I even found a Ticklish spot on him, it's hilarious. Makes me want to tie him down and look for other places... heheheh.....

I don't know if I've written this in here before, but On friday, Avigen and I will have been dating for an entire year... That makes me really happy...

List the words you love to have whispered in you ear:

I love you
Oh God
I want you
Any sort of Moaning
Don't Stop

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