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everything's my fault
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003 - 1:00 a.m.

So I had wheel of Time tonight, Julius and I hung out all day, we went to The Flea Market, then out to breakfast, then to the game. well in between the flea market and game, I put some stuff in the back of my car. My back door has this cute little habbit of not liking to close all the way...I thought I had it closed, and we went off to Piskie's house, at like 1 in the afternoon. When Julius and I pulled back into his driveway at like 12:30 or so, we noticed that my dome light was on, fuck. So yeah, my car battery was on for about 11 hours, possibly longer. So of course when I tried to start it, the battery was dead. I don't have Jumper cables, or a knowledge of how to use them, and neither does Julius, His sep father does, but he's long asleep. So I call my parents. my mom listens, asks what I expect her to do, and hand he phone over to my father when I say that I'd at least like them to pick me up. My dad comes on, I explain the whole thing, and he tells me that I can't dodge the blame for this one. and starts going off on this huge tangent about how I alway put everything off, and I can't expect them to bail me out of everything and on and on. I hung up on him. I didn't want to hear it anymore. I came in, and Julius and I talked about some different options (after I stopped crying). My dad called about half way through, and I talk to him but basically told him to fuck off and not to bother, I'd figure it out for myself, and hung up. Julius (because he's my best frined and is willing to put up with me even though I'm stupid, and stubborn) is now sleeping on his couch, I'm sleeping in his bed, he's going to have his step dad jump me in the morning, and we're going to go to sears where they will hopefully be able to replace my battery, then I will go to work. I'll have to figure out what I'm wearing bassed off of what I can scrounge out of my car (being messy sometimes has it's advantages).

I'm just so upset right now. I poped onto Dark Ages of Camelot to see if Avigen was on, he was, and I really wanted to call him, but he was in a group hunting, and me telling him wouldn't really solve any problems, so when I realized that I couldn't be counted as important enough to get his attention (even when I asked if his cell phone was on at like one in the morning, because I often call him in the middle of the night) I signed off. I'm updating this in the vain hope that it will make me feel better, but it hasn't so I'm leaving now to try and sleep. goodbye

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