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Things that course through my head
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 - 11:56 p.m.

Julius, I love you, but you are being the asshole in that situation, sorry. (in responce to a game he likes to play with cars at stop lights).

So I changed my layout again... It's not that I didn't like the old one anymore, but every now and then I go surfing at beautify and I find something that I need to have. That and I'm a rampant Tori Amos Fan, and I feel that I may have been neglecting that side of me lately. This is one of my attempts to atone. I really like the sliding menus too. Go drag your mouse over to that long retangle on the left side of the screen. See it open? cool huh? I put the drop downs on their own page mainly because I didn't want to screw the HTML up beyond fixing, and they would probably look stupid there anyway, besides, now I can make more of them, like maybe one for really great artist from Elfwood, or just good art pages in general, who knows? I've used up my HTML mood for the night, so maybe I'll get motivated some other day.

I want my Tattoo sooo bad... Julius got one, and it reminded me that I really want mine... ::sigh:: I should wait until I loose weight, I'll be pissed if this thing warps...

I have one of my tattoo's drawn out. I was friends with this boy in High School, but it was one of those friendships that you know isn't going to stay much longer that High School, I had him draw me a Fairy. That will be my first one. I have at least two more that I want, well actually 4 I sopose, One is really complicated, and will need to be done in parts no doubt.

I need to get Avigen to draw the other ones that I want. I should have Joyia do part of one of mine too. I wanted Ajax to do one for me, but he didn't want to. Maybe I'll invest in gold membership again, and a digital camera, and then when I do get my Tattoo's I can show you all.

::turns into a 5 year old:: I don't wanna go to work tomorrow! ::turns back::

That didn't work when you were five, It sure as hell doesn't work now, but for some reason, it still feels good to whine everynow and then.

Why do People watch American Idol? Wait, Better Question: Why do thousands of people audition to be on American Idol? I know it must somehow be related to why christana Slutelara, and Hoebag Spears are popular, but then I don't understand that either. I just want to take this moment to send a big "Fuck you!" out to MTV.

I hate the way our world functions. I wish we all could just get over ourselves. I don't understand why there have to be different countries, and why we have to be so hung up on money, and who owns what. We need to realize that we all live in the same house, and we have starving, sick, dieing brothers and sisters. Right now we're all either sitting up in out room with the door closed and the music turned up pretending we can't hear the fighting and crying, or we're fighting with out own family. Why is it that in America, or France, or Germany When a well off woman has comlications durring childbirth there are any number of doctors ready do a million things to save her, but in Africa women are lucky if the doctors hands are washed before the birth? Why is it that there are 50 year old men who are on their 3rd transplant liver because they can't quite kick their alchohol habbit when there are children dieing of liver cancer because the doctors in their country wouldn't know how to do a transplant even if they did have the materials? How can we let this happen? Why are we fighting a war instead of working together to make things better for everyone? I don't understand this at all. and It bugs me sometimes

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