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Remember What the Door mouse said: "Feed your Head, (Feed your head)!!"
Monday, Jun. 02, 2003 - 12:50 a.m.

So I got my tattoo on Saturday. It wasn��t so bad. It felt like someone scraping a metal nail file (point end) hard across you skin. Not something I��d do at night to lull me to sleep exactly�K but not so horrible that I wanted to kill the guy. It looks awesome. My leg is very mad at me, it��s all red, but it hasn��t gone itchy yet. Right now, it kind of feels like a skinned knee. Like I can feel it there all the time, but it doesn��t always hurt. It feels warm, and when I move it will randomly decide to flair up slightly. After I��d had it done it took me a minute to come up with the whole skinned knee analogy, mainly because I don��t believe I��ve ever skinned the back of my calf, so the sensation felt odd. I��m very happy with the overall outcome of it though.

Today, I got up two hours before the ass-crack-of-who (yay for jillisims) so that I could stumble around half blind, and wander out of my house to my car, and Drive over to Julius��s house so that His mother and the two of us could drive for about two hours, in the rain to help save breasts. (Julius��s mother is part of a motorcycle group, and for the past 10 years they have been doing breast cancer rallies at this bar out in east cuttibumfuck. I��ve been recruited to help for the past two) After many breasts were saved, she took us to the outback steak house for dinner. Yum.

Downside to this: We didn��t get to play Wheel of Time tonight, and that makes it about a month since we��ve played �� I miss it�K We��ll play next week though.

So I��ve decided to take a slight break from Wheel of Time (it��s all I��ve been reading for the past year) I��m reading Harry Potter. Those books read quicker than it takes to make instant coffee. I just finished the 3rd one tonight. They are so good. I wasn��t sure if I was going to like them, but they��re very addictive. Julius better bring me the fourth one tomorrow�K

Only three weeks until origins. I��m excited! Regardless of whatever hell it��s been to plan this trip, I will have fun when I get there, even if I barley have any money to spend. ::sigh:: I really do hate money�K Oh well.

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