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On Hiatus
Sunday, Sept. 14, 2003 - 12:47 a.m.

Hey guys, I know it's been forever, I just wanted to put a note up (because I'm still under the vain delusion that I have people who read this thing) to explain the serious lack of updating. There is a reason beyond laziness (although I'm not going to deny that it does factor into the equation), actually there are a few reasons. I've been working over time at work (which is a good thing monetarily, if not sanity-rily), I�m playing in too many role-playing games, and I�m moving into my house on October 1st, so all of my free waking time has been spent there lately, and by the time I stumble home, the computer�s already shut off, and therefore looses the electrical backup that amplifies it�s hypnotic powers, and I can successfully crawl up my stairs and melt naked on my bed, giving myself about 20 min to shut my eyes until I have to get up and go back to work. I�m done with the overtime now, but Don�t expect much in the way of updates until October 1st, after I�m settled, my computer is hooked up, and I�ve gotten over the fact that I can look at porn without having to erase my computer�s history, or worry about my parents coming down stairs and finding me with my hand down my pan--- I mean set everything the way I like it, heh� So, yeah. To all of you out there who were pouring over the obituaries looking for my name, well first, my real name isn�t Imandra, and second, I�m alive, I just don�t ::gasp:: have time to go on the computer�

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