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Fucking A
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 - 3:10 a.m.

So Julius and I got to go see "The Matrix: Revolution" tonight, on the specail midnight, show-it-before-you're-soposed-to screening. Fucking A man, that's all I can say. I'm not going to ruin it, nor am I going to preach to people who didn't like the first movies... I will tell you this though:

I didn't even see the first movie in the theatres. Avigen made me watch it. I thought it was okay, but didn't really understand what it was that everyone (including Avigen, and most of my other friends) had been gushing about. I held firm to the belief the Keanu Reeves was good for one part, and one part only: His role in Bill and Ted's excelent adventure (I would still not be suprized to find out that he was the inspiration for his character in the movie).

When Reloaded came out, I went to see it, because Aviegen and all my other friends wanted to. I loved it, I really liked what it turned the first movie into, it gave it a new depth. I couldn't wait for the last one. I needed it to be awesome, and really didn't see much of a way for it not to be. there were a few different types of endings, and any one was a good one, and with the sick amounts of money they were generating There was no way it would have to be cut short on the special effects.

I was most definatly not dissapointed. I've been looking for a movie like this for awhile. One that lives up to my expectations of it. Ahhh, that feels so much better...

In other news, it's 3:00 in the morning, and I have to be sitting at my desk at work in less than 6 hours, so the other news will have to come later... night all

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