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Last Night, I had a dream
Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 - 12:30 a.m.

Last night I drempt that I was living in some sort of commune, like I lived there, so did my parents and the Little One, Aislinn lived there, Avigen, Piskie, Spider Monkey, Julius. It was a cross between the house I live in now, and my parents house. Anyway, Everyone invaded my room and dumped everything in the backyard, they told me because I didn't finish my room, I was loosing all of the stuff in it, I was really upset by this in the dream. I went up to my room, and it was completely different, like all the fabric was ripped off the walls, they had been painted this really pastel blue color, and all of the furniture had been arranged. (actually, thinking about it now It looked really good, aside from me not really liking the color) I felt so betrayed. I was crying because they had ripped all the fabric down, and my mom told me that Punky had done the design, I somehow got the impression that I was on one of those trading spaces type shows, but it was tainted in some way. I was ripped from the dream by my alarm clock though, so I don't really know how it ended, I know that the betrayl aspect kinda stayed with me, so I'm a bit off, I was gonna go see my parents tonight and do my taxes, but I think I'm gonna go work in my room instead. I've only got that one wall to finish, so it shouldn't be so bad...

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