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Random Stuff that's happened....
Monday, Mar. 22, 2004 - 12:12 a.m.

I have a Snake now!! I bought him from Snakelady, he's a little hog-nosed. He's quite possibly the cutest snake I've ever seen. He doesn't have a name yet, or I should say he hasn't really told me. I think he tried the first night that I had him, but it didn't quite get through, It starts with an M, and I had it in a dream, but I lost it when I woke up... I asked him myself the other day and got Makivelian, I think that might be it, but I'm not entirely sure. Oh well, he'll tell me again I'm sure.

So the little one called me on monday and asked me to take her to get her nipple pierced for her (17th) birthday. She wanted me to pretend that I was her legal gaurdian, I said no, and told her that she should ask mom, She said that they said no at first, and then relented to "we'll think about it". She turned that into a "yes" in her head, but they ended up saying no. Now she doesn't want to go out to dinner for her birthday, so if she keeps it up she may end up with what she wants...

So Avigen stayed over Wednesday night. I need to talk to him. On our aniversay he said that I really needed to go back on birth control because he wanted to fuck me "eight ways from sunday". I went to the doctor, got the birth control. He's slept over twice since I've been on the birth control, and I haven't been fucked once... Does that mean he owes me 16 times? ::sigh:: Why does it feel like I need to sit down with him every 5 min and have some earth shattering discussion about how I'm worried about our relationship? Things are different now. before we were going out it was rare that we could sit to watch a movie w/o getting "distracted". I seam to remember a fairly even amount of starting it from both of us. Now I'm the one who starts anything that does happen, and I'm at the point where I feel shy about trying because I've been turned down so many times when I do try to start something. Part of me really wishes that things were like they were before we started going out. I love the closeness we have now, and I love knowing that he does love me, but I miss the passion. That sounded bad, there is still passion, it just has to be pulled to the surface, instead of it being there all the time like I feel it used to be.

Yesterday was the Spring Equinox, I seam to be getting a universal kick in the pants to reacuaint myself with my spiritual side. Snakelady did a stone reading, guided journey, and card reading for me after, and all signs seam to point to lot sof change poping up in my not so distant future. Mostly work related, and quite a bit of spiritual, IT didn't occure to me at the time, but afterwerds I began to wonder if all these conserns w/ Avigen are going to work their way in too. I hope not, because most of the change was centered around current situations ending, and I'm not talking about in a "the problems are going to resolve" kind of way, it was more of a "cutting off" sort of way. I think I'm over analysing that though, I think if it were soposed to be read that way I would have thought of it while Snakelady was doing the reading... right?

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