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Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 - 11:09 p.m.

I sometimes wonder if Avigen reads this. I wrote that whole long complainy entry the other day, and Avigen came over yesterday, and once again nullified the whole thing. We fooled around before everyone showed up for game, and it was good. Like really good. He even made the comment that we hadn't done stuff like that for awhile, which is why I wonder if he reads this. I wish he'd tell me if he did. I don't know, it's wierd however you look at it, because if he doesnt read it, than apparently this diary has magical powers, because without fail, after I've written about something in here about us, something happens to make me feel better. I don't even mean recently, I mean like scince I've started this thing. wierd no? Anyway, I also think that part of what I wrote in there the other day was because I'm getting my period this week. I always get insecure about things before/durring my period. I don't know. I just wanted to update, and let you all ( you know the three of you who read this thing) know that I feel better about me and Avigen... Again...

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