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Saturday, May. 29, 2004 - 12:57 p.m.

Cleaned my parents house for the first time yesterday, it's not so bad, The little one came home from school, and we talked. My parents have a pic of me and Avigen from christmas, It's cute, but I found it while I was cleaning, and I wasn't expecting to find it . It hurt. Lysander came over and he, Julius and I played Zombies, and Munchkin, I won Zombies, and Lysander won Munchkin.

Lysandaer's coming over in a bit w/ his brothers so that we can play munchkin again. Julius and Aislinn are going out tonight, I don't know if Lysanders stay just for a bit, or like all night, Spider Monkey might come over, I don't know what I feel like doing tonight. I guess that's it.

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