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Better day than I thought it would be
Sunday, Jun. 13, 2004 - 11:07 p.m.

So today was interesting. Julius and I had a fight this morning about the pro's and con's of backyard wrestling. I don't understand the need to seriously accept a friend's challenge to have a backyard rumble, Julius thinks it's funny, I think it's stupid, and a good way to get looked at like that kid who copied Jackass and had his friends hit him with a car, if not a little worse since they were like 15 and he's almost 24. I don't know if he's still mad at me (apparently he doesn't appreciate it when I let him know that I think something he's doing is a bad idea), but I don't think he is.

There was talk of people coming over. Ghost wanted to know what was going on, if people were coming over, we talked for a bit, and she said she might come over if she got bored (which usually means that she's going to call Avigen and hang out with him). Spider Monkey IMed me and said he wanted to hang out, but he had to do laundry and stuff. I vegged for awhile, Julius left, and I started adjusting the heating pads on the cage snake lady let me borrow. Spider Monkey IMed me again and said that he hadn't felt like driving, so he was going out to dinner with his friend and then heading out. At that point I had kinda felt like being alone, and finishing off the cage so I could put it up in my room, and put my snakes in it.

Aislinn called looking for Julius, and we got to talking, she was alone for the night and wanted to go see a movie, so we ended up going to see Chronicals of Riddick. It was better than I thought it would be, but I didn't have much in the way of expectations other than the excuse to drool over Vinn Deisel. I enjoyed the storyline, and I liked that they didn't show all the neat little things about the movie in the previews. It was nice to spend time with Aislinn too, I'm glad I ended up going.

I start getting unemployment checks this week, That's a nice big load of stress off my back. Your place on employment has the ability to say no to unemployment requests, and I had this very haunting fear that they were going to. that everything my parents did for me was going to be useless and that I was going to end up back in my house, in my room (which has been completely stripped, carpet and all). I feel so much better now.

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