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Losing love is like a window to your heart
Monday, Jul. 12, 2004 - 1:35 a.m.

Abyssal starts tomorrow! ::happy evil dance:: It's one of the teo games I pla now, Ghost ran it for awhile, then changed to another game, but now wants to do abyssal again! yay! I missed my character. Piskie better make sure she gets here tomorrow after work to play she's been blowing me off all weekend ;-P.

I guess that's it, I had an urge to update, but when I sat down to do so I realized that I had no idea what I wanted to talk about. There are a couple of things.

Like I found this really cool site called SuicideGirls that's all punk/goth oriented porn pictures, it's all girl run too, The girls are all pierced, tattooed, and georgous. When I am thin and beatiful, and have all my tattoos I would love to have pictures of myself posted on there.

I'm getting over my cold, still rather sniffly though I plan start applying on Saturday. If Julius is working (he's back at McJewelry's a few nights a week) I'm going to go to the mall and apply and try to get interviews... I'll take as many jobs as I can... I'll probably end up with two part time jobs.

Actually, I might see if the little one will take me to chili's and see if they're hiring on friday, I could do waitressing, and there's always the Dunkin Donuts going up at Amaro's, I could see how they're doing for help when they open and do that in the mornings, and then chili's at night. My gaming schedual isn't that hard to work around, Monday and wednesday nights, I'll give my whole weekend to work if they want it, and they can have me any other time... you know, that actually sound like a decent plan...

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