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Must keep brain busy until Game Starts...
Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2004 - 7:10 p.m.

So I've started walking, 2 1/2 miles everyday. It's a nice walk around my neighborhood. I really enjoy it. I mean sure, it's hot out, I get very sweaty while I'm doing it, and I have blisters on my feet, but when I'm done I take a nice shower, and I feel much cleaner because I've sweat all of the dirt out of my pores and am now washing it away, and I'm pleasntly exausted. I try to go in the morning, but I usually sleep in a bit and do it early afternoon. I don't eat before I go though, my theory is that it will force my body to burn up fat stores instead of burning off something I've just eaten. I bring lots of water with me though. That's actually working very well for me, because I'm not usually hungry when I first wake up, and I am hungry when I get back from the walk.

I'm also enjoying the quiet time while I'm walking. I see a few other walkers while I'm going but they are usually goint in the opposite direction. I really like the 45 min of absolute alone time. Like if I'm in the house there are pets, and the phone, and the TV and a million things that I could be doing, but when I'm walking, that's all there is, I can think and actually settle stuff in my head.

It's wierd, I've never been addicted to a physical activity before. I blame Piskie.

Going to Manray on Friday. Snakelady's going, so it Piskie, Saytr, Avigen, and maybe Ghost, and one of Snakelady's friends. We need to figure out driving arraingments because Saytr's car only seats 5. Oh well, I get to wear my corset, and I bought a really cute red skirt to go with it, and I may have another suprise for the outfit, but that's between me and Piskie until tomorrow night (Snakelady will be able to figure it out if she thinks about it, if you do, don't tell anyone). Hehehe

I'm just taking up time until the Blue Knight and Girlygirl get here, and Avigen and Ghost get back from their walk. going through withdrawls.................... (there was no abyssal game on monday, if I don't game tonight I could explode)

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