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Imandra the Bartender?
Sunday, Aug. 08, 2004 - 11:41 p.m.

Okay, so I'm going to take a bartending course in Boston. It costs $350 dollars, it's one week long, and it activly looks for jobs for you. Discounts are available for groups of two or more. I wish I knew someone who'd want to do that with me. This is where I'm going. They offer lifetime refresher courses, and all that good stuff, plus I'd get to go to boston for a week, that would be cool. I can handle a week's worth of classes, and I think that the field of tending bar will be far more open to my peircing/ tattooing/ hair coloring side. Just a thought. I want to go for the daytime classes because their from 9 to 4:30 monday through friday, nice and easy. Okay, that's all for now.

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